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CEOs target zero carbon emission by 2050

The CEO RoundTable of Tanzania (CEOrt) has expressed commitment of combating climate change by reaching zero carbon emissions in all production activities by 2050.

The CEOs commitment goes well with the country goal that is figuring to cut down emission to 20 per cent by 2030.

Tanzania states its goal, in its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), to embark on a climate resilient development pathway that will reduce GHG emissions by 10 per cent to 20 per cent by 2030, relative to the projected 2030 business-asusual emissions of 138-153 MtCO2e.

CEOrt Executive Director Ms Santina Majengo-Benson said after CEOs presented their 2022-2025 strategy that focused on walk-the-talk on planning for sustainable ways of cutting down carbon emission.

“In the current climate change effects which are challenging the way we perform productive activities,” Ms Santina said: “CEOrt has boldly committed its members, leaders and the entire society at large to play an active role in reversing the damage caused to the environment.” This, according to her, is anticipated to pave the way for meaningful and policy discussions to enhance business and investment climate in the country.

Also, CEOrt has initiatives for zero carbon emissions by the year 2050, a move which must be motivated by consumers who must change their behaviour by demanding and choosing goods which are produced using environmentally friendly means and tools.

According to the World Resources Institute Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (WRI CAIT), Tanzania’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in 2014 were primarily from the land-use change and forestry (LUCF) sector (72.7 per cent), followed by agriculture (17.3 per cent), energy (7.8 per cent), waste (1.6 per cent), and industrial processes (0.5 per cent).

Within the LUCF sector, the report showed that 77 per cent of emissions in the country were from forest land. The executive director also said that CEOrt is facilitating policy dialogue and forming strategic partnerships between private and public sectors for catalysing economic development while safeguarding the environment.

“President Samia Suluhu Hassan has already drawn attention to the challenges climate change is causing nationally and on global scale. “This is a reason for CEOrt to come with solid commitment as this crisis is affecting Tanzania’s largest economic sectors of agriculture and tourism. It affects food security, livelihoods and income of the people,” she said.

CEOrt will monitor and evaluate its members’ production activities to identify and address gaps fuelling climatic changes where it will conjoin the private and public sectors on the best approach of averting them.

Consumers, also, were not left aside in this war, were they have to demand and spend their monies on goods which are produced by low carbon emissions factories and technology.

“CEOrt also looks for best ways of having consumers avoid ordering and buying goods which are not produced using environmental friendly environment. This will speed up our efforts of reaching zero carbon emissions in the year 2050,” Santina said.

According to WRI CAIT, Tanzania’s GHG emissions increased 3.0 per cent between 1990 and 2014, averaging 0.3 per cent annually, while GDP grew 234 per cent, averaging 5.2 per cent annually.

Although GDP grew faster than GHG emissions, in 2014, Tanzania’s emissions relative to GDP were almost eleven times the world average, indicating significant potential for improvement.

Source: The Daily News