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CAP Success Stories

Positioned Tanzanian leaders in 3 top multinational companies .

In just its pioneering year, CAP has boldly broken down barriers and made history by transforming the local leadership landscape. The programme has been responsible for supporting 5 top multinational companies to entrust Tanzanian leaders to spearhead operations locally by appointing them to take on the mantle of CEO.

Proud beneficiaries of the Programme, Anael Samuel now heads Songas as its Managing Director, Julius Ruwaichi from Access Bank now leads the institution as its new CEO, Unguu Sulay has recently been appointed  Managing Director of Coca-Cola, Alimiya Osman Munge as CEO for Faru Graphite Corporation Ltd, Resham Vassa now leads Reni International and Shreekesh Karia heads DHL East Africa.  The placement of strong Tanzanian leadership within the country’s top-tier industries of oil and gas, banking and manufacturing has also been crucial in championing the development of a competitive and industrial economy and securing a socially and economically prosperous nation for all Tanzanians.

Personal Insights of the
CAP Experince

Anael Samuel

Alimiya Osman

Achieved 100% increase in female participation on the programme

CAP has seen a 100% rise in female participation on the programme.  The Programme continues to promote diversity and strengthened economic, social, and political progress for all Tanzanians by continuing to increase female leadership participation by doubling the number of  female leaders under cohort two, that represent and lead top positions in 3 key industries that will support Tanzania capture greater competitive advantage. Industries include banking, manufacturing and oil and gas. CAP has also witnessed two female CAP Alumni hold the position of interim-Managing Director within their respective organizations at FSDT and PASS Trust.

Inspiring Innovation and an Entrepreneurial Spirit

CAP has been responsible for launching and mainstreaming 2 notable sustainable solutions that respond to key social-economic challenges.

CAP Grad 2021-220

The Ajira Kiwandani platform

The CAP Social Economic Impact projects have been responsible for providing innovative solutions that respond to some of the country’s most pressing challenges.

Launched in January 2021, the Ajira Kiwandani platform comes right in time as it is strategically positioned to support the Government strengthen and expand on its key priority sectors of water, mining, oil & gas, construction, and ICT by identifying the necessary skilled labour force that will enhance these sectors in time for the completion of TVD 25.


The Fanisi Program

Expanding thought horizons, CAP fosters a culture that encourages idea sharing and leadership curiosity and discovery by inspiring leaders to also take on entrepreneurial pathways.

Working to reshape Tanzanian’s leadership landscape, the Fanisi Program is a highly interactive mid-management training program. Established in 2022, the program focuses on the development of personal and group leadership skills and knowledge that is relevant to achieve successful career growth.