National Five Year Development Plan 2016/17 - 2020/21
The Second Five Year Development Plan (FYDP II), 2016/17 – 2020/21, has integrated frameworks...
Africa is on the brink of a solar-powered industrial revolution
For quite some time now, I have been scouring the ideas landscape for a...
SAGCOT supports local firms to expand farm product market
FIVE local companies have received some 700,000 US dollars (about 1.4bn/-) from the Southern...
River protection starts in Tanzania
A major multi-stakeholder initiative to improve water management in the Great Ruaha River has...
East Africa: Tanzania - to Be or Not to Be an Investment Haven
Is Tanzania rising? Riding on the crest of the Africa rising wave, that question...
Varying tax structures wrong for EAC, experts say
On June 8, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda tabled budgets which had divergent tax...
UK parliament appoints Mufuruki to lead special team to Africa
UK Parliament has appointed a Tanzanian businessman, Mr. Ali Mufuruki, to be co-chair of...
Kikwete signs three integrity pledges
President Jakaya Kikwete has signed three integrity pledges for public and private sectors in...
Unease still felt on energy laws
Dar es Salaam. Chief executives of Tanzania’s leading companies have promised to continue engaging...
CEOrt: Impunity, graft on the rise
The CEO Roundtable of Tanzania (CEOrt) has expressed concern over corruption and impunity, noting...
CEOs punch holes in new education policy
The CEO Roundtable of Tanzania (CEOrt) has taken issue with the newly-launched education policy...
Dar entrepreneur faults ‘Africa Rising’ hype
A renowned Tanzanian businessman, Mr Ali Mufuruki, is challenging a prominent narrative on Africa’s...
CEO Roundtable pledges cooperation with new ministers
The CEO Roundtable of Tanzania (CEOrt) has congratulated and pledged to cooperate with the...
Agro-plan seeks more private sector funding
The CEO of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) says untapped potential...
Business leaders denounce graft
BUSINESS leaders have underscored the need for promotion of accountability, transparency, and efficiency in...