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CV People Tanzania

Naike Moshi

Chief Executive Officer

Naike Moshi is a strategic, innovative leader with a proven track record of building and creating successful business products and services. With a strong academic background and experience, creative problem-solving skills, and an innovative mind, Naike has been instrumental in creating an impact within her area of expertise.

Naike Moshi has more than 10 years’ experience in the area of business management and human resources. Her expertise include building business from the ground up, women and Youths empowerment, coming up with innovative ideas, executive search and Employer Branding.

Naike has extensive experience working as Management Consultant in the United States for 7 years and working for and with some prestigious companies like CareMark, Roni Deutch Tax Center and UNESCO for more than 5 years.

Naike is an MBA graduate and holds a dual degree in Human Resource and Business Management from Tennessee Wesleyan University in USA. She started her professional career in a US Tax Consulting firm and has enjoyed challenging, diverse assignments in the management consultancy industry. She is the Country director of CVPeople Tanzania and founder & CEO of Women in Management Africa (WIMA).

Her entrepreneurial spirit has also enabled her to gain notable success as a mentor, where she has coached and mentored Entrepreneurs for the YALI Regional Leadership, Unreasonable East Africa and African Entrepreneurship Awards recipients. She also provides training to Youths in Tanzania on workforce readiness & employability skills via the program Passport to Employment project (P2E). More than 320 youths have benefited from this and has resulted to foster development and growth of Youths income and business ventures.

In addition to her entrepreneurial and educational success, Naike has been an instrumental leader in the community by developing long-lasting relationships with numerous organizations (both forprofit and not-for-profit) through memberships, affiliations, and mentorships and has received awards for her personal and professional contributions. This includes “Top 100 Global HR Minds. She was awarded and inducted into several honor societies, including “The National Dean List, Who is Who Among Junior Colleges, All USA Academic team and African American Excellence Award. In 2021, She was recently the award winner for the most visionary female CEO for WIMA in Nigeria and nominated for the most preferred female CEO in Tanzania .CVPeople Tanzania operation has received three Awards by Africa Employer Brands Awards , Global HR Excellence awards and 1st Runner Up in East Africa Business Excellence Awards in the Service Sector .CVPeople Tanzania was selected as one of the Top 100 Women-Led Business in East Africa by Invest2 Impact in 2019.

Being in the Executive Talent Space for a while, Naike saw a huge gap of women applying for Senior roles. She founded WIMA an initiative to increase visibility for women leaders and honoring them for their achievements. Through this initiative, up to date for more than 85 women leaders have been profiled in different media channels such as online, print media and TV programmes for visibility purposes. This visibility strategy has resulted to the women leaders being promoted to bigger roles such CEO , board membership and increased business and career opportunities. An online platform for WIMA (Women in Management Africa) was launched and expansion to Africa is in progress. Naike believes that leadership visibility is critical for women to shatter the glass ceiling and increasing women’s visibility and self- promotion is crucial for women to climb up the ladder.



CV People Tanzania

CVPeople Tanzania started in 2014 on a shoestring budget where it was part of the global franchise known as CVPeople Africa. CVpeople Tanzania provides Talent and Recruitment Services. After being part of the franchise for more than 6 years, CVPeople Tanzania ended its partnership with CVPeople Africa and now works independently and locally.