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Green Resources AS

Chief Executive Officer

Hans Lemm

Hans Lemm joined Green Resources AS in April 2019 as the Group CEO and is responsible for all group operations in Norway, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda.

From 2008-2019 Hans was the CEO of the Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC) in Tanzania. Aside of his role at KVTC, Hans has also been a director at a number of Boards of forestry businesses in Swaziland and South Africa. Prior to KVTC Hans worked at a number of other forestry businesses across East Africa.

Hans graduated with a Degree in Mining Engineering from the Technical University in Delft and during and immediately after his studies worked for Placer Dome in Papua New Guinea, Australia and South Africa.



Green Resources AS

Green Resources is East Africa’s largest forest development and wood processing company. The company manages approximately 38,000 ha of plantation forest in Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda. Green Resources operates industrial facilities including two sawmills, three pole treatment plants, a veneer mill and biomass production facilities. Green Resources was established in 1995 and is a private Norwegian company owned by New Forests‘ Africa Forestry Impact Platform (‘AFIP’).