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Prisons Corporation Sole

Moremi Andrea Marwa

Chief Executive Officer

Moremi is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Prisons Corporation Sole (Shirika la Magereza – SHIMA), He is an accomplished executive passionate about finance for growth, inclusion, and sustainability. He is result-oriented organizational leader with demonstrated track-record of management and corporate governance. He has served in executive leadership roles for 15-years in financial markets and consultancy services — responsible for organizational strategy development and execution, financial planning and management, corporate governance, corporate finance, people and culture, and technology and digital services.

+Corporate Finance +Corporate Governance +Thought Leadership
+Organizational Transformation +Key Partnership/Alliances Development

Moremi has over 10-years in Boards’ experience having served in the Board of Directors for Tanzania Revenue Authority, Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange, Bank of Africa, University of Dar es Salaam, Strategis Insurance Company Limited, African Securities Exchanges Association.



Prisons Corporation Sole

The Prisons Department was established in 1983 under the Corporations Sole {Establishment} Act CAP119 R.E. 2002 and its regulations of 1983 (The Corporation Sole {Prisons Department} Regulations GN 128 of 1983) along with its amendments of GN 179 of 1983, GN 640 of 1986 and GN 155 of 2001.

The department is a unit within the Prisons Service authorized to engage in productive activities per the Public Corporations Act of 1974. Unlike other public corporations, this department conducts its economic activities by circulating its internal capital to do business.