Hiten Shah
Chief Executive Officer
Born and lived in Kenya for 16 years prior to moving to the United Kingdom to study for Bachelors in Business Administration. On completion, he joined the family business of Retail Merchandise in 1994. His passion for growth led him to move to Tanzania to diversify and manage the manufacturing of Steel Pipes under the company name – SITA STEEL ROLLINGS LTD.
Hiten Shah has been in the Manufacturing Industry for over 21 years now. He has been involved in the initial set up of the company to what it is now, producing a large assortment of products both in the Steel and Plastic Pipes, whilst managing a workforce of over 200 people.
Sita Steel Rollings Ltd
Sita Steel Rollings Ltd has been established in Dar es Salaam , Tanzania since 1996. The Manufacturing Plant is installed with the latest automated technology in manufacturing these products which conform to the relevant standards. We Manufacture various types of hollow Sections, Black Pipes, Z-Purlins and cut to length mild steel plates.