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Unpacking the Role of Media in Driving Climate Change

A cup of coffee requires 140 litres of water to grow, process, and transport enough beans for a single cup – a thought-provoking statement shared by Dr. Ellen Otaru Okoedion during our Business and Sustainability Agenda capacity-building session with media stakeholders hosted on Friday, 1st March 2024.

Why does it matter? The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2019 ranks the water crisis as the risk with the fourth-largest impact due to increasing pressure from climate change and the needs of a growing global population.

This is an important reminder of why there is a clear need for the private sector and all stakeholders to prioritise sustainable and environmental practices.

Our focus at CEOrt under our Business and Sustainability agenda is to enable business leaders and key stakeholders with the relevant knowledge to make informed decisions as part of the sustainability journey.

Recognising the media’s critical role as communicators and disseminators of information, we understand their unique potential to shape narratives and influence public opinion. We aim to strengthen collaboration and partnership with the media to ensure our collective efforts effectively address these critical issues.