Mentoring the Future
The art of passing knowledge and expertise through a mentor relationship stands to create...
Knowledge Sharing in Action
CAP Cohort 2 hit the ground running! Participants have made great headway in immersing...
Launch of CAP Cohort 2
After months of extensive planning and with the incredible support of leaders from Government,...
The biggest man you ever did see was once a baby
Yes, the words of the legendary Bob Marley, the Jamaican reggae music legend, ring...
Waziri Mkuu atoa maagizo kwa Wamiliki wa Makampuni binafsi
Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa ametoa wito kwa Jukwaa la Taasisi ya Wakurugenzi na wamiliki...
PM hails programme grooming local CEOs
PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa advised graduates of the Chief Executive Officer Apprenticeship Programme (CAP)...
Integrity: What it means and why it matters in leadership
Everyone is notoriously ‘pro-integrity’, but does everyone practice integrity? “Do as I say, not...
Mkapa awafunda Wanagenzi Kuwa Viongozi Bora Baadae.
Rais msaafu Benjamin Mkapa (kulia) akiwa na viongozi wa jukwaa la taasisi ya wakurungezi...
Mkapa: African leaders should recognise human capital for development
Mkapa made the remarks when speaking to the 16 candidates of the CEO Apprenticeship...
Benjamin Mkapa: African Leaders Should Recognize Human Capital for Development.
African leaders should recognize human capital as one of Africa’s greatest treasures and therefore...
Press Release: Introducing the CEO Apprenticeship Programme
The CEO Roundtable of Tanzania (CEOrt) in partnership with Strathmore University Business School (SBS)...
Sekta binafsi kushirikiana na serikali juu ya mafunzo ya kuwaandaa watanzania kushika nyadhifa za juu za uongozi katika makampuni
Jukwaa La Taasisi ya Wakurugenzi na wamiliki wa makampuni binafsi Tanzania(CEOrt) kwa kushirikiana na...